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It is the energy amount needed by the body to maintain its vital functions at 24-hour rest. Basal metabolic rate depends on the age, height, weight, gender of the person and the environmental factors.
Age: Since energy is expended for growth, the basal metabolic rate is in the highest during the babyhood when the growth is the fastest. As the age is getting bigger, the basal metabolic rate gets slower.
Gender and body build: As fatty tissues increase in the body the basal metabolic rate decreases; as muscular tissues increases the basal metabolic rate also increases. Because muscular tissues are more active and expend more energy than the fatty tissues. The basal metabolic rate of women is slightly slower than of the men, since the women have more fatty tissues than men. The basal metabolic rate of the people that have more muscular tissues like the workers and athletes may be higher than of people who work at lighter duties.
Hormones: The hormone thyroxine secreted by thyroid gland affect the basal metabolic rate. If this hormoned is hypersecreted the basal metabolic rate increases; if it is secreted insufficiently the rate decreases. The hormone adrenalin secreted by adrenal gland also have an increasing effect on the basal metabolic rate.
Pregnancy: Starting with the first months of the pregnancy an increase in the basal metabolic rate begins and the increase in the last three months may be average %20. It is taken the reason of that is the fast growing of the tissues of both mother and baby.
Diseases: Especially during inflammatory diseases, the basal metabolic rate increases because of the rise in cell activity. Every %1 rise of the body temperature over 37°C increases the basal metabolic rate by %12,5 average.
Constant hunger: Long term hunger and semi-starvation state decreases the basal metabolic rate. It is detected that the basal metabolic rate of the people intaking insufficient food. Also it is detected that the basal metabolic rate decreases by %50 in the states of extreme and constant hunger. It is predicted that the body reduces the enrgy use in extreme and constant hunger in order to survive a possible starvation state.
Eating style and diet: The high ratio of protein within the eating style and diet have an icreasing effect on the basal metabolic rate.
Sleep: The basal metabolic rate during the sleep is less by %10 than the rate during wakefulness. The basal metabolic rate of the people with sleeping problems is lesser as well.
Seasonal temperature: The basal metabolic rate is lesser in cold winter months compared to summer months.
It is the value which is acquired by adding various parameters to the basal metabolic rate according to the life style and which is representing total calory amount spenden throughout day. In other words, it is the daily energy amount that our body needs in order to carry out all biological and physical activities.
Calory intake more than the daily energy expenditure causes weight gain and intake lesser than the daily expenditure causes weight loss. The value of daily energy expenditure can be considered as a limit.
All energy need of the body is taken from consumed food. The excess energy is stored in the body as fat and causes weight increase; on the contrary if the energy taken is lesser the need, the lacking energy is compensated from the fat stored in the body and thus causes weight loss.
The mechanism behind the weight changes of the people with healthy and normal metabolism is all that, in the simplest terms. But it should not be forgotten that the quality and the calory shares of carbohydrates, proteins and fat are important factors.
An approximate value about weight changes can be obtained using the data in form above.
It is a commonly-used formula recognised worldwide used to determine how high or how low the weight is in proportion to the height or if the proportion is normal.
0-18.4 kg/m2 (Underweight): Being underweight is a undesirable state which poses risks against some diseases.
18.5-24.9 kg/m2 (Normal): That means you have proper weight.
25.0-29.9 kg/m2 (Overweight): If necessary precautions are not taken, being overwieght causes obesity that is risky factor against many diseases.
30.0-34.9 kg/m2 (Class I Obese): Obesity is a risk factor against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension.
35.0-44.9 kg/m2 (Class II Obese): Obesity is a risk factor against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension.
45.0+ kg/m2 (Class III Obese): Obesity is a risk factor against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension.
There may be an increase in body mass index as the age progresses. Appropriate body mass index values according to age are as follows.
Age 19-24: 19-24 kg/m2
Age 25-34: 20-25 kg/m2
Age 35-44: 21-26 kg/m2
Age 45-54: 22-27 kg/m2
Age 55-65: 23-28 kg/m2
Age 65+: 24-29 kg/m2
It is the term used to determine the body weight acceptable according to personal features and various standarts. Even though stating exact numbers is not proper since body structure of everyone is different, it is helpful to provide an idea.
One of the key points of being healthy and in form is increasing your muscle ratio while keeping the fat ratio as low as possible. The increase in body fat ratio due to malnutrition habits and inactivity cause consequences affecting health quite negatively such as adiposity and obesity.
Numerous experts declare that the best way to evaluate the form level of a human is measuring the fat ratio because it is the only evaluation showing the real structure of the body. A man with over %25 fat ratio or a woman with over %31 fat ratio is defined as fat and obese.
The ratios acknowledged as normal are as follows.
Athletes: Man 6-13%, Woman 14-20%
In form but not athletes: Man 14-17%, Woman 21-24%
Acceptable: Man 18-25%, Woman 25-31%
Overweight: Man 26-37%, Woman 32-41%
Obese: Man 38+%, Woman 42+%