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Your visit on and your usage of content are subject to the terms of usage listed below:
Unlawful content and complaint
In contents created by users are published directly by users without any preliminary examination. Without an appliance, we do not have the obligation to examine the published content in terms of compliance with law. But attach importance to providing the compliance with law of the hosted contents, so consider each appliance quite carefully. You can use contact link of the website for complaints or any other notifications.
In, we are trying to do our best in order to provide uninterrupted service and continuous access, but it is still possible to experience access problems because of some technical issues and due to reasons beyond our control. We suggest you to taking due precautions. We refuse responsibility of the problems and material or nonmaterial losses you may have because of such circumstances.
You should use services and contents in for private use. It is forbidden to use the services and contents of for commercial use without a written permission of The right of to pursue legal proceedings is reserved in the cases of intrusion, changing data or interfering/preventing the website from running via other actions, damaging by uploading malicious contents like virus etc. with several softwares and devices. Trademark of cannot be used by third parties unless indicated written otherwise.
It is never warranted that content in is accurate and/or up-to-date. We would to announce that we are not responsible of the material and/or nonmaterial losses you may have (directly or indirectly) as a result of referring to any content in, since we do not interfere in contents apart from the cases indicated in the “unlawful content and complaint” section above. Wo do not have any responsibility about the links/redirections existing in do not examine the contents of the links and redirections, and never warrant that the content is true, that there is no virus, trojan, phishing and such malicious content, that the forwarded page is compliant with law or any other issues.
User profiles and information is open to all other users and visitors on You can keep your identity confidential and sign up with anonymous information for your user account. You are not required to use and share your actual identity (photo, name, address, phone, etc.). We refuse responsibility of the problems and material or nonmaterial losses you may have because of such circumstances
During your visit on files called “cookie” and similar elements may be placed in your computer. Cookies are simple text files and do not contain private information like credentials. Though they do not contain these kind of private information, session information and suchlike data may be stored and used to recognize you and for similar services. You can find more information about this issue from and addresses. (We do not have responsibility about the reliability of the contents of given links.)
During your visit on your IP address and other data that can be acquired thorugh your computer are stored anonymously by
Rights and obligations of can update terms of usage without notice. So it is suggested that you check the terms of usage perodically. keep the rights reserved to update all the contents and services without notice, to terminate, to add new ones and to set a price.
Though it is paid strict attention to prevent the site contain viruses or such malicious contents, it is possible that malicious softwares like virus and trojan pass on to your computers due to developing technology, technical problem or other reasons. Againt such risks, we suggest you to use antivirus softwares or similar applications. We refuse responsibility for any losses about software and hardware problems as a result of your visit on our website. You are accepting in advance that you cannot claim anything from our website due to these reasons.
This document was last updated on 01.01.2018.